Trash Boom
This Type 1 fence product is typically used in areas with light wind and/or lighter water currents.
Specifications (ST: 10/08)
Fabric - 18 oz. nominal laminated vinyl/polyester having the following characteristics:
Construction - vinyl laminate on 9X9 1000 x 1300 denier polyester scrim Weight – 18.5 oz. per sq. yd. (434 gr./sq. m.)
Adhesion – 24 x 20 lb./2”
Grab Tensile – 410 x 410 lb./in. (430 x 421 daN/5cm.)
Tongue Tear – 100 x 100 lb. (95 x 95 daN)
Hydrostatic - 600 psi (4167 kPa) Cold resistance to crack: -40° F/C
All seams heat sealed
5/8 inch diameter poly rope reinforced vertical edges
#4 brass grommets
1/4 in. galvanized chain ballast
EPS flotation, 6 in. x 6 in., 13.5 lb./ft. buoyancy in fresh water and 14.4 lb./ft buoyancy in saltwater.
If you need to control sediment or floating debris, there is an answer. These barriers by Aer-Flo offer a top flotation boom, a non-penetrable curtain positioned underwater, and a galvanized steel chain sealed into the hem along the bottom of the curtain for ballast to keep the curtain positioned while in the water at all times.
The end hems are sealed around a rope, rings or eyelets so they can be attached together using rope, bolts, nuts, or washers. If the floating turbidity barriers are installed in moving water, tidal conditions, or windy areas, they have to be anchored in order to remain in the right position.
Aer-Flo has come up with the perfect solution to ensure the barrier will remain in the correct position. The positioning or retrieval buoy will pull the barrier to the spot where it must be installed then unhook the anchor from the bottom when it's time to be removed. Their floating turbidity barriers will meet or even exceed all DOT specifications and when it comes to quality, strength, and effectiveness, nothing else comes close due to their Tough Guy® technology.
There are three significant kinds for Floating Turbidity Barriers – Type 1, 2, and 3 — and they all meet or go beyond federal and state governmental specifications as well as the NPDES Phase II requirements.
Trash Boom in Lake
This is the most sought-after barrier in the Tough Guy® line. It's highly recommended for construction sites located in areas with light wind and current velocities that are less than 1 foot per second. These sites include ponds, small streams, shallow lakes, and marshes. Stakes or concrete blocks may be needed to keep the barrier anchored in place. To connect sections of the barrier, rope lacing or nylon ties are required and can be purchased at your local supplier.
Among the Tough Guy® line, this is considered the workhorse. It offers a top load cable, and special stress plates to reinforce the corners, and is designed to handle harsh conditions. It's highly recommended for inter-coastal, streams, lakes, and expected or unexpected tidal conditions with current velocities up to 5 feet per second. Note – the anchorage and installation must be designed to withstand site conditions.
Contact Aer-Flo or a qualified engineer for help when you encounter extraordinary conditions. The barrier sections are connected using shackles, rope lacing, or nylon ties. You can purchase these items from your local supplier.
This is a unique design for the Type 2 barrier. 20% or more of the barrier fabric for the skirt is polypropylene filter fabric to meet State DOT specifications. The filter fabric has been added to decrease the pressure on the curtain when it's holding silt.
Aer-Flo's continuous panels are made of non-penetrable vinyl-polyester (PVC) fabric. When installed properly, they will contain stormwater runoff or will redirect the water to a suitable channel or retention area. These barriers are perfect for projects that have considerable discharge and will prevent erosion and stormwater in demanding conditions. They are DOT-compliant for use as a stormwater Best Management Practice (BMP).
This system works best in porous soil on slightly sloping sites. This is an excellent choice for construction sites, ponds, marshes, roadside ditches, and other shallow bodies of water including retention basins.
Debris in Lake
These plant control booms will keep waterfront areas clean and protect waterways from unwanted aquatic and marine vegetation and debris while allowing water to flow freely, making aquatic plant barriers the best solutions on the market. Using aquatic plant barriers will protect lakes, beaches, hotels, resorts, and recreational waterfronts and shorelines from invasive species that threaten these spaces. Aer-Flo's versatile product combines the latest technology in floating booms and hydro-weed containment.
Seaweed, Eurasian water milfoil, Sargassum, Hydrilla, Algae, Hyacinth, and many other species will spread very quickly.
Using aquatic plant barriers will protect Beaches; Parks with Recreational Shorelines; Hotels, Resorts; Docks, Ports, Marinas, and more.
Barriers are the best choices for many on-site projects and Aer-Flo has the right product for you!